Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Harry Reid - Senate Majority Buffoon

Can Harry Reid be re-elected? As Nevadans our response would be a firm 'NO'. Opinions from other Nevadans we know would be the same as ours: Harry Reid is useless to Nevadans. He's more concerned with passing his partisan political agenda than he is with representing Nevadans. In fact, most Nevadans we know can't stand the guy.

He also seems to suffer from delusions. According to the below article from, Reid's "advisers believe he’s suffering in the polls because hundreds of thousands of new voters have moved into the state since 1998, when Reid last engaged in a fiercely competitive campaign."

Perhaps Reid and his advisers should visit Nevada some time, since that statement couldn't be further from the truth. We have been in Nevada for all of Reid's elections and his popularity among long-time Nevadans is very poor.

Sig Rogich, who is a big shot in Nevada (at least southern Nevada where he has a school named after him), said that Harry Reid needs to re-introduce himself to Nevadans. Wow, Sig, we aren't that stupid. We know him too well and we don't like what we see.

Below is the full article on Reid's re-election:

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